“Dude, it warmed up to 5 degrees, let’s head up to Hatcher!”
These are words I never thought I would hear myself say, let alone live out.
You see, this morning started out a balmy 20 below, but in all honestly it felt as cold as it did yesterday.
They say that once it drops below zero you don’t notice the temperature change, just the effects on your skin.
It really wasn’t so bad.
Our plans to head to Girdwood for a Superbowl 2 for 1 lift ticket day were quickly heading down the drain.
It was going to be cold, windy and there was no new snow.
So, instead of heading south to the Gird, I made some rounds around the farm, stopping in for a chat with Steve in the moose cabin and discussing numerous things, then off to say hellos to Kelly and Jonathon who were dog sitting for Steve and Anne Corinne.
This quick jaunt hi with everyone turned into a 3 hour morning of delightful conversation among many cups of coffee.

Talkeetnas & Chugach Ranges
All the while the sun was making its perpetual cycle, slowly increasing its brightness and intensity due to the low angle sub arctic latitude. By the time we were ready to even think about heading out, the sun had cleared high above pioneer peak and was heating everything in sight. The thermometer, which happened to be in direct glorious sunlight, jumped quickly to 10 degrees above freezing. Not a temperature for a picnic or a dip in the river, but certainly agreeable for a nice ski or snowboard, albeit with 2 layers, and full facial protection (at least for my face…beardless).

Pioneer Peak over Mat Valley
The thermometer lied a bit, but by the time we got the crew together up at Hatcher, it was a steady 4 or 5 degrees above zero. Carry, Kelly, Jonathon, Sierra, Rob and I ran about 5 or 6 runs at the mile 16 roads runs. It was pretty fun, the left side of lower marmot was pretty tracked up and skied out, but farther to the north there was untouched powder and great trails through low alder and willow thickets. It was a blast and the cold was no big deal at all, especially with the glaring sun to deal with. In fact, I’m almost positive my ears are sunburned from skinning up the triple benches at Murphy road yesterday, and having to remove gloves, hat, jacket and vest due to a serious sweat I worked up. I mean, it was 10 degree and I was hatless and gloveless, I was seriously that warm from the trek.

Anywho, it was a great day, the Pats lost, and Pat Williams won the game for the giants, oops, I mean Eli Manning.
Back to work tomorrow subbing at Colony Middle.
It’s not so bad, and it’s hilarious to listen to the things the kids say.
I'll have some video up tomorrow hopefully, but nothing too great, and perhaps we will have a third night of northern lights, I keep passing out before they shine in all their triumphant neon brightnessThe pictures were taken just before sunset, overlooking the Matanuska River, and as soon as the sun went down, so did the temperature again…it’s going to be a chilly one tonight. BRRRRR!

Moose Range of the Talkeetna Mountains
(Hatcher Pass)