From what she's told me and what I can see, Erin loves her least the getting paid to be outside part. She comes home smiling most days, and I try too as well. My crew and I have been doing work all over south central, AK and it's been a really humbling and learning experience. These kids are so smart and I feel honored to lead them through these resource projects.
As for news on the homefront, Erin and I love our place and all of our flowers and fruits are in full bloom. Pretty soon we are going to be inundated with fireweed honey, raspberries, cranberries, rosehips, watermelon berries, strawberries and others. We've been trying to utilize as much of our natural bounty as possible and it's been a neat experience. The weather has finally warmed, relatively speaking, to a constant mid 60's to lower 70's when it's very sunny. It's been beautiful but of course mixed with days like today...I'm fogged in and feel like we're in Seattle.
I'll have Erin update next, but seeing as she's out bike camping in Eklutna for her job, it'll have to wait. Love you all!